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Alex the SexEdBot

ALEX aims to improve the quality and scope of sex education for youth and strenghten youth worker competences with the creation of a chatbot.


About the project

Today’s youth are part of ‘generation – Z’, characterised by their digital-savviness and curiosity to the changing world around them, including consulting questions about their sexuality. However, even though the sources that young people may have access to award them the privacy and anonymity they seek and prioritise, health professionals are sounding the alarm that the information found online paints a misleading and distorted picture about sexual health – whether it be fallacies regarding HPV vaccines or increased exposure to pornography. Therefore, in order to develop more accessible learning resources and improve the quality of the sexual and reproductive health education in the EU, we propose the creation of an innovative chatbot that would reflect the realities of gen-Z youth today.

We also aim to provide training and resources to the youth workers with whom they engage by equipping them with the pedagogical/technical skills needed to purposefully use the chatbot for the administration of holistic SRH education.

Project results:

  • Creation of an unbiased and scientifically accurate sex education chatbot, ALEX, (verified by SRH experts)
  • A theoretical implementation guide for youth workers
  • Practical manuals and recommendations on how to use and repurpose the chatbot and project resources.  

Articles about the project

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