
This project aims to develop good practices and ready-to-use tools to support local youth workers to engage youth in active participation.


About the project

The big and persistent local and global economic crises, employment difficulties, social conflicts, and environmental problems seem to generate scenarios far from a utopia. The younger generations are characterized by a growing sense of generalized distrust, primarily in the institutions, from the loss of ideals and the emergence of dystopias. How is it possible to direct their thinking towards progressive improvement, instil in them confidence in the future, a sense of responsibility and a desire to believe in the opportunity to build a better tomorrow through intercultural dialogue, participation in political life, civil and social? How is it possible to avoid the disinterest in social and political issues in young people? How to foster their relationship with the media, so that information is a tool of greater awareness and not a potential creator of dystopias?  

We start from these questions and aim to study a replicable model that allows them to identify activities, paths, and tools to feed the desire and trust. With this project, we aim to develop concrete practices and tools to support young people and local youth workers to start working together, outline utopias and define the steps to get there.

Project results:

  • A handbook that will provide the theoretical framework about the concepts of utopia and dystopia and their use in education
  • A collection of 30 different types of activities for groups of young people.
  • A platform that will: trigger an exchange of ideas and opinions among the young people; spread best practices throughout Europe; guarantee the free use of all the developed contents; highlight utopias conceived by young people, also by encouraging the creation of a contest at European level.
  • A guide to present the experiences and best practices put into practice in each partner territory.
  • A training for the creation of utopias by young people.

Articles about the project

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