projects logos - in progress(2)

Gaming For Skills

Gaming for Skills aims to develop practical guidance for teachers to use video games in the classroom for cross-curricular teaching.


About the project

Video games can introduce a concept with which the player can interact and even think back on their own skills. This would be a perfect description for a school lesson, therefore institutions in Europe to advocate for their use in the classroom. Serious or educational game approach came with challenges: they are often less engaging to students. More than ever video games can be great vectors for cross-curricular and innovative pedagogies.

Our partnership will work on developing practical guidance for teachers to use video games in the classroom for cross-curricular teaching, as well as encouraging students to create their own games as learning by doing projects.

It will lead to:

  • reinforce the development of key competences in cross-curricular collaboration, creativity & innovative learning
  • support teachers with innovative teaching and assessment, to promote competence-based teaching & learning
  • use digital & open pedagogies,
  • promote access & use of ICT education by underrepresented groups, in particular learners with SLDs or girls

Project Intellectual Outputs:

Articles about the project

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