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Role Models

It aims to boost the self-esteem of pupils with disabilities and enable them to read and create success stories with which they can identify.


About the project

This project aims to support young learners by collecting success stories that promote confidence, inclusion, and diversity in the classroom, with a focus on ability and disability. Role Models includes creating a guidebook for teachers to strengthen the self-esteem of pupils with disabilities, developing a collection of inspiring e-books about role models for pupils with disabilities, and a ready-to-use tool for teachers to create success stories with their students. The stories will pay special attention to accurately portraying role models with disabilities to enhance inclusion and understanding while promoting literacy and digital competence. The tool will guide teachers and students to focus on positive aspects of their daily life and practice, with a proposed structure for stories.

Project results:

  • Short guidebook for teachers on the importance of how to strengthen and develop confidence and self-esteem of learners with disabilities, as those play a key role in their education.
  • A collection of short, inspiring, and inclusive stories in e-book format about role models for pupils with disabilities.
  • A ready-to-use tool for teachers, educators, and educational professionals to create success stories with their students.

Articles about the project

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