projects logos - in progress(21)

Shared (Hi)stories

This Erasmus+ project aims to broaden students' understanding of cultural and historical heritage in the EU and improve their English skills.


About the project

The Shared (Hi)stories project mainly aims at broadening the minds of secondary students in the EU with regard to cultural and historical heritage while perfecting their English skills. The motivation behind this project is the mix of the power of storytelling in language learning, the awareness of cultural heritage and the development of critical thinking skills.

To learn more about the project:

The goal is to help students start looking critically and from different angles at (hi)stories with cultural and historical contents that traditionally are told from a one-sided (national) perspective. We will do it by providing to language teachers around Europe with new and innovative project-based methods and lesson material for their language classes. These tools will not only help their students to improve their language skills through storytelling, but they will also foster their critical thinking skills with regard to cultural and historical heritage. They will also learn how these can shape their own EU awareness, shared values and sense of citizenship.

Project results:

  • (Hi)stories of Shared Histories
  • A European Map that includes a collection of shared (hi)stories among countries.
  • An informative booklet on cultural heritage, storytelling and critical thinking.
  • A teacher training program for language teachers that want to learn how to use storytelling and cultural heritage in their classes, which will be accompanied by a set of ready-made lessons.
  • A YouTube channel with 24 shared (Hi)stories.

Articles about the project

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