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Project addresses youth social disengagement and low participation levels in civic life. Through digital tools, we enhance community engagement.


About the project

More than anyone, young people have had to face many difficult challenges due to COVID-19. They have struggled through an accumulation of uncertainties and limitations and that is precisely why time and attention for young people is extra important during this period. The enhancement and systematization of community engagement through digital tools, in combination with youth positive development is one of the ways for the target to be achieved, allowing to youths to gain a sense of competence, self-worth and belonging into the community. Hence, this project intents to provide youth organisations and youth workers with modern digital tools to systematize the methodological framework that youth organisations use. This will bring youth back to their communities through the activation of ‘active citizenship’ and ‘community-based learning’. Furthermore, creativity will be a key part in this project’s methodology. A creative approach that is reflected in exercises, workshops, materials and the way of working, enabling young people to feel in their territory that they can express themselves in many fields and with different mediums.

Project results:

  • Guidebook on “Contemporary Methodologies and Tools on Community Engagement
  • Toolkit on Community Engagement for Youth Organisations and Youth Workers
    • –> 16 training workshops relating to different forms of community engagement
    • –> Toolkit comprised by existing softwares and digital tools that are targeted for the management, coordination and communication processes involved during the lifetime of an initiative, with the goal of systematizing and modernizing the manner through which these processes are carried out
    • –> library with special template formats for community analysis and mapping, media campaigns, conferences, development of creative tools
  • An Online Project Management Platform
  • #UcomE on the ground

Articles about the project

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