After two years of content creation, all 55 tools in 4 different languages have now been uploaded on the project platform and are ready for you to take over!
After two years of content creation, all 55 tools in 4 different languages have now been uploaded on the project platform and are ready for you to take over!
These tools were designed to provide ideas and tips for STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) teachers to integrate artistic creation in their curriculum. The testing phases have allowed the partners to see that students will find these types of activities more engaging and will often retain the information better because they got to use their creativity in the classroom.
You can find all the resources created in this project in the “The outputs” tab of our website.
Here is what you will find:
1. The E-Library

The partners have created a library of content on the different thematic areas of the project for you to find ideas on innovative learning methods. This e-library is based on the thorough research carried out from the beginning of the project.
2. The online training course

This course contains the 55 tools created in the past two years. These tools are organized by thematic area and age range for you to find the most suitable ones for your students and curriculum. All tools contain a “learn more” section in which you can explore the resources used for their creation and more articles, videos and papers to open your possibilities!
3. Let’s play

This online quiz will be a great way for your students to test their
knowledge after using the tools in class. They will have both questions
about the artistic and mathematical parts of the tools.
4. The E-Handbook “The Art of Maths Best of”

This handbook gathers a more thorough description of the project resources and gives you a sneak peek into the testing phases of the tools. You will see pictures of the tests and learn about the students’ and teachers’ experience and feedback.
We can’t wait for you to try our tools with your students and hope you will like them as much as we enjoyed creating them!

Follow us on Facebook: @theartofmaths
Visit the project’s website :
In collaboration with : Sandgärdskola (Borås Stad), Citizen in Power, Spel, University of Thessaly