Schools need to act as a community and with coordinated actions in order to play an effective role in turning Europe into a green and sustainable place to live. Such objectives cannot be met without acknowledging the important connection between educational development and a sustainable learning environment. The project partners believe that it is time for European schools to act as laboratories for sustainability. Class-projects or single activities are not efficient enough. They represent lots of energy, but limited results. With our project, schools will be provided with free courses, tools and strategies to turn into Sustainable Schools communities.
The project will analyse and identify the key areas needed for a school to turn into a “Green school”; -prepare the schools to embrace the role of “Sustainability Manager” at educational level; -prepare the entire school staff community on key topics regarding environment and climate change; -involve the entire school in the sustainable transformation process; -develop skills and knowledge of students and motivate them to embrace sustainable approaches, at school and at home; -promote a “whole-approach” at school level, reinforce their capacity building and turn schools into a key drive for change.
Project results:
- A step-by-step toolkit to establish a sustainability strategy
- An e-learning course to prepare schools’ sustainability managers and other staff to learn about key topics and how to act to implement green strategies at school.
- A Sustainability School strategy document
- A good practices booklet