Achieving carbon neutrality is key to slowing climate change, but are educational institutions ready for it? We are introducing our new project that will make sure schools have passionate staff competent in the field of ecology.
What is carbon neutrality and why is it important?
Carbon neutrality means having a balance between emitting carbon and removing it from the atmosphere. Lack of carbon neutrality leads to a growing amount of pollution and, as a result, climate change. Naturally, carbon gets absorbed by the soil, forests, and oceans, but they can only contain a small part of the pollution that we produce every year. To solve this problem, engineers create artificial carbon sinks, but it is still not enough to clean the air and stop global warming. This is why it is essential to reduce carbon emissions.
With the European Climate Law, the EU is committing to carbon neutrality by 2050. To achieve this goal every institution, including schools, has to reduce their emissions. This means that educational organizations have to start tracking their emissions and educating their staff on how to limit the environmental impact. This is not the easiest challenge, but hopefully, our program will help to make this transition smooth.
Our proposition to fight global warming
To address the challenge of going carbon neutral, the project will create an interactive E-learning course “Organization’s Low Carbon Expert”. It will be freely available to schools as well as all other interested educational organizations in Europe. As a result, the institutions will have free resources to use while training their staff and the teachers will not be alone in the challenge of reducing carbon emissions.
The project will also introduce the concept of Green Ambassadors, who will be the organization’s most enthusiastic and qualified members in terms of assisting in achieving zero-carbon targets. The ambassadors will be responsible for helping other teachers and students. They will give pieces of advice regarding ecology and serve as environmental experts. This way, if anyone has questions about carbon emissions, they will know who to ask.
We hope that thanks to our project several schools around Europe will open environmental training programs and start their way toward carbon neutrality. The presence of free resources will certainly make this very important task easier.
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