Green School Competition
The Carbon Neutral School project invites you and your class to participate in a competition to promote green practices in your school.
What is the goal of the competition?
The main objective is to promote green practices among students and teachers. We hope that the competition will inspire students to engage in climate protection and that it will serve as a catalyst for new initiatives in participating schools.
How can I take part in the competition?
- Fill in the registration form. We will contact you to make sure that you have all the information needed.
- Describe the practices implemented in your school or class. You can do it by yourself or together with your students by using our template and filling it with text and photos.
- Send us your creations by 01.02.2025. We will publish them and let the audience vote for the most inspiring practices.
- The winner will be announced by 28.02.2025.
What kinds of green practices count?
Anything that makes your school more environmentally friendly or contributes to educating students on climate issues, for example:
- Conducting lessons about climate,
- Using alternative tools (such as escape rooms, video games, and board games) to teach about climate,
- Engaging students in green projects, such as creating a recycling station,
Advocating for lowering the carbon footprint of your school, i.e. creating a sustainability strategy or pushing for green solutions, such as water bottle filling stations or solar panels.
Are there any ready-to-use resources that I can access if I want to implement new practices?
We invite you to use the resources created in our different projects:
- Carbon Neutral
You can use the resources from the Carbon Neutral project, i.e. complete an online course and learn how to be a green ambassador in your school.
- Save&Game
You can consult the action sheets for inspiration. On the project’s website, you will also find other pedagogical materials to use in your lessons.
- School sustainability
You can learn more from an online course on sustainability in schools. You can also use a board game, The Rings of Earth or a digital escape room, Plan your Sustainability Strategy.
Thank you for your participation, and may the greenest class win!
For more information, please contact us at and visit the project’s website: