How is technology reshaping education?

With every student having a microcomputer in their pocket, the question no longer is “Should we use technology in education?” but “How to do it?”.

New responsibilities

There is no doubt that technology has a huge impact on our lives. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more obvious than ever, that technology in education is something more than an interesting addition to the existing system ; it became a necessity. When the threat diminished a little, most of the schools in Europe went back to traditional teaching, but that does not mean we should forget what we learned while staying at home.

Even in schools where smartphones are banned during lessons, students are using the internet to do their homework and learn for tests. Just imagine a child who would not do it. They would work a lot slower than the rest of the class. Some information would be inaccessible to them. They would also feel alienated from the rest of the children, who are communicating through social media. And in the end, they would not be ready for adult life, in which the internet also plays a huge role.

Children have to learn how to use technology for good. If we do not help them, they will deal with this task on their own. That is why it is necessary not only to teach how to respond to cyberbullying and recognize fake news and other threats of the modern world. It is also our responsibility to give children examples of how technology can be used constructively, to make knowledge more accessible.

New tools

When the global pandemic started, nobody was prepared for it. Some of the e-learning methods were created on the spot and even when it comes to techniques that already existed, not every teacher knew how to use them. Yet a significant number of students and parents say that going digital improved their learning (you can read more about it in the following article: DigitAll: presenting some results from the survey). This number varied depending on the country: Belgian respondents answered more positively than those from Greece, probably due to differences in the access to technology, internet, etc. This indicates that e-learning has many faces and a lot depends on how it is done and what resources are available.

The survey also showed that, while forced e-learning during the pandemic was not the most pleasant experience, it also provoked some positive changes. One of the biggest advantages of going online is that it gives students freedom in choosing the methods of learning. A well-constructed digital platform gives every pupil the possibility to get to know the same material by reading about it, listening to it, or watching a film. This is especially important for students with Specific Learning Disorders who need an individual approach. E-learning also forced us to start using various digital tools. Interactive websites and online simulators proved themselves to be useful. Teachers reported that they were positively surprised by how innovative their lessons became.

Digital tools can be a huge help while dealing with learning disorders. Students making a lot of spelling mistakes benefit from spell-checking programs. Videos can be accessible for those who have problems processing spoken language thanks to subtitle generators. Some students with SLDs need mind maps to remember the material, and now they can work on it online, using tools like Mindomo. These programs take a lot of work off teachers’ shoulders so that they can focus on building relationships with pupils instead of correcting endless spelling mistakes and trying to decipher students’ handwriting.

Main issues of e-learning, like lack of real-life contact with teachers and other students, problems with pupils’ access to technology, and lack of motivation while working alone, are typical for the situation, when the teaching takes place completely online. Luckily, we are not forced to do that now. We can explore digital possibilities and cultivate real-life relationships as well. We can give students access to the technologies from school, so their parents do not have to afford all the devices. And finally, we can apply specialized digital tools to help students with Specific Learning Disorders. Why not benefit from that?

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