Our Erasmus+ funded project Flash Mind, aims at creating the first European platform to offer personalized learning paths for the student and customizable by the teacher, by using flashcards to support adaptive learning practices and to foster the student’s memory anchoring. As we have seen in the previous articles about learning using flashcards, the visual presentation of the key information is especially effective for visual learners and students with learning difficulties such as Specific learning disorders (SLD). Therefore, the learning platform of the Flash Mind project has a strong emphasis on flashcards and other tools used by visual and sequential pedagogy methods for adaptive and personalised learning.
The partnership has been working on developing a series of models of lesson plans and flashcards that are currently available in the Beta version of the adaptive learning platform! The topics, subject knowledge and skills basis of these are for primary and secondary level learners. We are taking the opportunity to present you the Beta version of the Adaptive Learning Platform, which is being updated on regular basis.
1) Starting with the home page, where viewers of the platform can have an overview of the platform and the project’s mascot!
To navigate easily through the different pages, users can click on the different icons on the left-side of the landing page. In the same bar, users can choose between the 5 languages of the project: English, French, Greek, Italian and Romanian. Furthermore, users can already register on the beta version of the platform to try creating learning paths for their students!
2) In the Browse button on the left side bar, users will be able to see the first 15 lesson paths designed by the partners or they can select to view the created groups of flashcards created on the same topics as the lessons! Simply choose to browse in the Lessons or Flashcards using the switch button on the top, and then you can use the search bar and add filters to find what you are interested in!

The learning paths are devoted to reading comprehension, mathematics and science and thus use different colour codes (red, blue and green). These learning paths aim to promote memorization by offering the student a series of contents until the complete success of achieving the objectives set by the teacher. They combine learning sequences based on the child’s level and skills and training series using a custom designed flash card library (visible when switching to the ‘Flashcards’ tab).
3) Users registered on the platform can create their own learning paths, by choosing the topic, duration of the lesson, age and language. They can also create a series of costumed flashcards. Everything a user creates can be set as ‘private’ content and viewed only by him/her, or ‘public’ content and viewed by others as well.
Each lesson path is made to be interactive and thus the platform already offers various functions to present each slide of a lesson, be it an introduction, a video, information given in an image (geopositioning function) or exercises like multiple choice or typing the answer.

When it comes to the flashcard groups created by registered users, the main page provides cards with information about the number of cards inside the group, the topic, the language and the duration of each series, but also search function and filters to easily find a group of flashcards.

Flashcards’ users create, can be easily edited and customized to learners’ needs:

One important function of the platform is that users cannot edit the lesson paths and flashcards created by others, but they can duplicate them and edit the copied file. So, all the existing lesson plans designed by experts and education specialists within the partnership provide a good base for the creation of more adaptive and useful content!
Interested in trying out the platform? As this is a Beta version of the platform, we are constantly improving the existing elements and features. Stay connected to receive all the updates about the platform and its final release!
An Erasmus+ project
Visit the project’s website Follow the project on Facebook : @Logopsycom
#flashmind #erasmusplus
In collaboration with: Edulog, Les Apprimeurs, European Education & Learning Institute, Euphoria, Universitatea din Pitesti