Creating exhibitions with your students: discover the pedagogical guide VX Designers

VX Designers is an innovative Erasmus+ project about creating exhibitions for learning in secondary school education. The objective of the project is to put learners truly at the centre of the exhibition development process and to maximize their interest through a project-based learning activity: co-curating an exhibition.

The project focuses on providing a set of tools and resources to support teachers and other education and museum professionals in using digital exhibitions and the technology required to implement innovative and inclusive pedagogy for all kinds of learners such as those with Specific Learning Disorders and/or cultural differences.

In this guide, we can find all the necessary guidelines to design, use and integrate exhibitions in the classroom. Therefore, it will present all the steps to organize, create and use exhibitions as a pedagogical tool and make it relevant to link the content to the class materials. It also introduces the different functionalities it can be adapted to and, finally, advice to foster student’s participation and to adapt the lesson for a maximum of pupils.  

The Pedagogical guide of VX Designers presents three different parts.

First of all, the section titled “The pedagogical potential of curating an exhibition”, which highlights the versatility of exhibitions as a teaching tool since they are adaptable to many needs and teaching purposes. In addition, this part presents different types of exhibitions, the advantages of making pupils work and co-create together, the various benefits and skills that are trained and developed through exhibition designing, the positive impacts on learners engagement and finally an explanation about the several types of knowledge that apply to this kind of activities like Technological, Pedagogical and Content Knowledge.

Part 2 refers to “Practical uses and creation of virtual exhibitions in the classroom”. In this section, the VX Designer’s partners provide two practical examples (one on humanities and another one on STEM-related courses) of activities for educators to use visual arts to reinforce learning as an introduction to a lesson, to review some content, to create an assessment for students and finally as homework. Each example is presented in detail, from the activity setting to the necessary resources for the session and can be directly implemented or adapted if needed. They also represent a good source of inspiration to create new activities with a similar structure or content.

The last part of the Pedagogical guide called “How to integrate different profiles of students”, focuses on inclusion and how to integrate diverse audiences into learning through the design of online exhibitions. Teachers largely know that classrooms are diverse and learners with different capacities, types of intelligence, challenges, backgrounds and needs. The aim of teaching today is to make the learning process a fruitful and meaningful experience for all of them, so it is crucial to find methods that engage all these different profiles. The guide explains why the VX Designers project represents a great tool to involve equally not only pupils with learning disabilities but also those who are facing socio-economic challenges and cultural differences.

The guide includes, in the end, an extensive list of references that could be helpful for teachers and educators who are interested in learning more about the contents of the Pedagogical Guide.

The Pedagogical guide will be available very soon on the project’s website, don’t hesitate to have a look if you want to find out all the details and activities explained on it! 

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Our partners in this ambitious project are Les Apprimeurs (France), Citizens in Power (Cyprus), the European Education and Learning Institute (Greece), CEPS (Spain), Fundacja ARTeria (Poland).


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