It has been over 2 years since the Mr. Winston project started. Over this time, our team of European partners discovered the use of this amazing innovative technology for language learning, and we cannot wait to hear back from you!
If you have used our tutor chatbots, your feedback will be very valuable to us! You can help us by answering the questionnaire that fits your profile and share it with students who have tested them:
Questionnaire for teachers:
If you are a teacher or educator and you spoke with Mr Winston on your own or with your class.
Questionnaire for students:
For the students who have tried Mr. Winston with or without their teacher’s support.
Questionnaire for individuals:
If you have tested our English tutor chatbots individually, this form is for you.
Take a look at all the resources we produced throughout this project:
If you want discover the use of chatbots in education, you can read our Booklet, which gathers the results of a research on the topic as well as interviews with teachers, education experts, chatbot experts and students.
Our two chatbots, Mr. Winston (A2) and Mrs. Winston (B1) can offer you or your students a whole lot of exercises, daily tasks, review cards and fun interactions anywhere, at any time! You can learn more about the possibilities they offer by reading our previous article. If you don’t have a Facebook account, both chatbots have been integrated on the Tutorbot platform, which also allows you to create your own tutor chatbot!
Both our chatbots are supported by 55 lessons targeted at classroom use to introduce the topics covered by the chatbots. These lessons will allow you to have consistent content and can be an inspiration for you to create your own chatbot with its own supporting materials.
Do you want to use the resources in this project but are not sure how to proceed? Our pedagogical guide explores the pedagogical use of chatbots and their supporting material, both in the classroom and at home. It will give you some ideas and help you use all resources in the most effective way!
Our last resource for you is a Chatbot Design Guide, which will give you all the information you need to create your own tutor chatbot from scratch! You will learn how to set goals for your chatbot, how to adapt and select the teaching content, how to create a resource library, how to integrate all your content on a platform such as the one we have used in this project (Chatfuel), as well as how to organize the tests and analyze data.
In addition to all these resources, a series of webinars which have been carried out over the past three months will be shared on our YouTube channel in the following weeks. Stay tuned if you want to watch the replay!
This project is now finished, but all the resources will still be available on the project website for at least 8 years. We thank all who tested our material and participated in our webinars over the past few months! If you did, do not forget to give us your feedback on the chatbots through the questionnaires at the top of this article!
Keep in touch with the progress of the project:
Visit the project’s website:
Follow the project on Facebook: @MrWinstonchatbot
#MrWinstonchatbot #erasmusplus
In collaboration with: Yuzupulse, Civiform, Eurospeak, Learnmera & LJUDSKA UNIVERZA ROGAŠKA SLATINA