Discover ASDigital !

ASDigital is a distance learning training for secondary education teachers to teach digital skills to students with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).

Indeed, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in schools closing all across the globe, leaving over 1.2 billion children in 186 countries out of the classroom. As a result, education has seen a dramatic change, with the rise of e-learning, and teaching taking place remotely and on digital platforms. Meaning that teachers have dramatically changed their learning and working materials to digitised options. Many teachers who have never had such experience before, and who have not received sufficient training on how to deal with such a crisis in pre-service and in-service training processes, were caught unprepared for this process.

Moreover, despite the importance of digital skills nowadays, 80 million Europeans are digitally excluded. Digital exclusion, according to European Commission, is part of the overall challenge of exclusion, a widespread and growing phenomenon that takes its toll in life paths like poor lifelong earnings and an increased risk of marginalization. There are many people currently excluded for reasons of low income and education, location, culture, or various disabilities, such as autism.

This project wants to tackle these two problematics by developing 5 main results:

Creation of an e-course on the digital basics for teachers (IO1).

Creation of a guide for teachers (IO2).

Creation of a serious educational game for digital skills (IO3).

Creation of video tutorials specially designed to teach digital skills to students with ASD (IO4).

Creation of an e-learning platform (IO5).

By organizing two short-term training events:

To train trainers on the educational package and the e-Learning platform (C1).

To train schoolteachers on distance learning and how to use the educational package and the e-Learning platform to teach their students with autism (C2).

Let’s make the e-learning more inclusive for students with ASD and let’s develop the digital skills of teachers!

Project website : Soon
  Follow the project on Facebook: @ASDigital @Logopsycom

Our partners are : Universidade Lusófona, Blue Beehive, StandOutEdu, Szkoła Podstawowa nr 11 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi im. Kornela Makuszyńskiego w Białymstoku, KOCAELİ / GÖLCÜK ÖZ-DE-BİR Özel Eğitim Uygulama Merkezi I. Kademe, E-code                  


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